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Guan YiGuan Yi

Guan Yi Contemporary Art Museum


Speaker > Biography

      管艺,1966年出生于山东青岛,八十年代“文化乌托邦”时期痴迷于艺术并受之影响深刻。1993年开始经商,其个人的价值观与对艺术狂热痴迷的情怀决定了他终会回到艺术界,自2000年起,管艺把大部分精力放在艺术收藏上。2001年创建“管艺当代艺术文献馆”。管艺的收藏被西方人认为是了解中国当代艺术的最佳途径。其收藏专注于自己的线索,和探索人生的意义。爱伦斯伯格和凡德格林登兄弟是对其影响最大的收藏家。不仅将对中国当代艺术的收藏作为一种个人爱好,管艺也力图在收藏的同时建立一部完整的“中国当代艺术史”。在专业领域他 得到了广泛的认同。 2005年6月,管艺受邀在巴塞尔艺术博览会上做关于中国当代艺术的发言;2006年4月,在意大利米兰艺术博览会上做中国当代艺术的发言;2007年9月,香港苏富比邀请管艺做关于中国当代艺术史和收藏的讲座;2008年12月,入选“POWER 2008”世界艺术权威人士前十名。曾被CONTEMPORARY(英国)、FRIEZE(英国)、THE ART NEWSPAPER(英国)、 FLASH ART(意大利)、ART&AUCTION(美国)、 MONOPOL(德国)、LES ECHOS(法国)、L’ESPRESSO(意大利)、《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》、《纽约时报周刊》、日本《朝日新闻》、德国法国联合艺术电视台、德国之声广播电视台、意大利国家电视台等西方主流媒体采访报道;英国BBC电视台曾两次为其拍摄记录片。“管艺当代艺术文献馆”也多次接待了美国MoMA纽约现代美术馆、MoMA旧金山现代美术馆、法国蓬皮杜艺术中心、TATE现代美术馆、古根海姆等专业美术馆、美国纽约大都会美术馆、法国卢浮宫博物馆、日本国立美术馆等专业美术馆的艺术策展人和艺术顾问委员团,以及纽约索斯比代表团,ART BASEL前任和现代主席所率代表团等数十个专业艺术团体到访。

Guan Yi, born in Qingdao, Shandong Province in 1966, was obsessed with and deeply affected by art during Culture Utopia in the 1980s. Guan Yi went into business in 1993, however, his personal values and great passion for art made him eventually return to the arts. Since 2000, Guan Yi has spent most time on art collecting and founded Guan Yi Contemporary Art Museum in 2001. His collection, characterized by his own clues and pursuit of meaning of life, is considered the best place to understand Chinese contemporary art by westerners. He not only collects Chinese contemporary art as a personal interest but endeavors to establish a complete “History of Chinese Contemporary Art”. People who have most influenced him are Walter Conrad Arensberg and Brüder van der Grinten. Widely acknowledged in the art field, Guan Yi was invited to give speeches about Chinese contemporary art at Art Basel in June, 2005 and at Milan Art Fair in April, 2006. In September, 2007, he was invited by Sotheby's Hong Kong to give a lecture about the history of Chinese temporary art and collecting. He was also selected as “Power 2008” Top 10 World’s Art Authorities in December, 2008. He has been interviewed by main west media, such as CONTEMPORARY (UK), FRIEZE(UK), THE ART NEWSPAPER(UK), FLASH ART(Italy), ART & AUCTION(US), MONOPOL(Germany), LESECHOS(France), L’ESPRESSO(Italy), The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Asahi Shimbun of Japan, Germany France United Arts TV, Deutsche Welle, RAI, etc. The UK BBC Television had made two documentary films for him. Guan Yi Contemporary Art Museum has repeatedly received visitors from many professional art galleries, such as New York Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Pompidou Center in France, TATE Modern, Guggenheim Museum; Art Curators and Advisory Boards from Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Louvre Museum in France, Japan National Museum of Art, as well as Sotheby’s New York delegation, Art Basel delegation led by former and present Chairman and other more than ten professional art groups.